We have a range of digital books published by Solution Tree & Marzano Research:
Solution Tree delivers comprehensive professional development to schools and districts around the world. Solution Tree has empowered K–12 educators to raise student achievement through a wide range of services and products including educator conferences, customized district solutions for long-term professional development, books, videos, and online courses. Last year, more than 25,000 educators attended Solution Tree events on professional learning communities, RTI, assessment, and other topics.

Click on a book cover to buy the Kindle edition of each book.
Kindle edition: £18.99
Kindle edition £25.60
Kindle edition £25.60
Kindle Edition £20.60
Kindle Edition £25.60
Kindle Edition £13.55
Move students from simply memorizing content to making meaningful connections. More than 200 user-friendly exercises show you how to help students develop many of the valuable critical and creative thinking skills that have been identified by educators as essential, including questioning, classifying, inferring, and predicting. The exercises can be given to students as part of a social studies or self-development course.
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Kindle Edition £16.97